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Wie Entfernen Sie Einen Virus Und Löschen Viren Von Ihrem Computer

25. Juni 2019 , Geschrieben von Antivirus Help Service Veröffentlicht in #AVG Antivirus Kontakt nummer


Understanding that your PC or laptop may be infected with a malware or a virus is certainly worrying. However, with a cautious and decisive action, eliminating a virus is faster and less stressful than you might think.

The signs of a computer or laptop with a virus are:

• A very slow running computer

• Pop-up messages appear out of nowhere and are not that easy to remove

• Computer programs that start without warning and that you are unfamiliar with or that were not started by your actions

• You can constantly hear the sound of your hard drive in action

All of these symptoms can be triggered by a virus. If two or three of them occur at the same time, this is a good indication that your PC has been infected by a virus. If you have not yet downloaded an antivirus program. Download AVG's free antivirus program and let it run in minutes.

If downloading is not possible, contact our toll-free AVG support number 800-181-0338 in Germany for the secure download link and support.

If you have a virus on your laptop or PC, follow these steps to help protect your PC from viruses:

1) Remove the virus

Step 1: Activate safe mode

You must do this by turning your PC off and on again several times. As soon as you see something on the screen, constantly press the F8 key. This activates the Advanced Boot Options menu. Then choose Safe Mode with Network and click Enter. Then disconnect your PC from the Internet.

Step 2: Delete temporary files

If you are in safe mode, you must use the Disk Cleanup tool to remove your temporary files:

1. First go to the start menu

2. Then select All Programs (or only Programs)

3. Start accessories

4. Switch to System Tools

5. Click Disk Cleanup

6. Scroll through the Files to delete list, and then select Temporary files

If you remove these files, the virus scan you are about to perform may be speeded up and even a virus will be excluded if it was automatically started when the computer started.

• Step 3: Download an antivirus program

An antivirus program is the best scanning tool for detecting and removing computer malware and viruses.

Der beste Echtzeitscanner ist AVG FREE Antivirus, der im Hintergrund gründlich nach Viren sucht, während Sie an Ihrem Computer arbeiten. Sie sollten auch proaktive Maßnahmen ergreifen, um das erneute Herunterladen eines Virus zu verhindern:

• Installieren Sie die neuesten Software-Updates für Windows

• Vermeiden Sie es auch, auf Popup-Meldungen zu klicken, die besagen, dass ein Problem mit Ihrem PC festgestellt wurde.

• Seien Sie vorsichtig, wenn Sie E-Mails von Adressen öffnen, die Sie nicht identifizieren, insbesondere wenn sie einen Anhang oder einen böswilligen Link enthalten.

2) Installieren Sie alle beschädigten Programme oder Dateien neu oder stellen Sie sie wieder her

Vorausgesetzt, der Scan wurde entfernt und der Virus erkannt, müssen Sie möglicherweise alle Programme oder Dateien neu installieren, die durch den Virus beeinträchtigt wurden.

Backups are considered useful and should be created regularly. Make regular backups of your files and save them to an external hard drive. This can help prevent the loss of important information if you receive another virus.

  1. Improve your immune system

Keep your protection up to date

Update your antivirus program from time to time as new viruses are constantly being created. Although you bought your antivirus program a month ago, it may need updating now. Learn about AVG's antivirus solutions - the installation process is simple, quick and easy.

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